Thursday, February 18, 2010


So, the Shetland Triangle is really lovely, but sadly, I was short a mere few yards required to bind off. It was close, I unraveled my swatch and everything. It is bigger than I thought it would be, it hits the small of my back right now, which is really nice. However, if it were just the tiniest smidge bigger still, it would be a true thing of beauty....

So, instead of just ripping back to my handy lifeline and ending it slightly shorter (still bigger than I had hoped) I have begged and pleaded with my sister to get me just one more skein (include a desperate and whining "come on man" here and you get the picture of how dirty I feel even asking). I sent the wrap off to her to match as best as possible, complete with return postage because I am certainly not waiting until I see her in a few short weeks to get cracking (crack, get it? oh, I see... of course you did....) again.

In the meantime, I am keeping busy with my Vogue Stitchionary concocting a scarf for the WBBF. How did I get so lucky to find a man who likes to pick out yarn? It's a mystery....

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